Ever wondered what the Internet has to offer beyond the usual social media platforms, boring news portals, and eCommerce giants? Well, you’re in luck! This article is here to guide you on a fun-filled tour of the “best useless websites” on the World Wide Web.
These pointless websites offer a unique diversion from the ordinary. They possess an irresistible allure, one that stems not from their usefulness – but from their ability to captivate, amuse, and inspire. For those looking to kill time – these websites provide the perfect escape; for web designers seeking unconventional sparks of inspiration, this world of weirdness and wonder is a goldmine.
Some Personal Favorites
101 Useless Websites – The Full List
Here’s the table with 101 pointless websites – click the “+” sign to see the URLs for each.
Website Name | Description | Category | Website URL |
Pop Cat | Click the cat! | Time Wasters | https://popcat.click/ |
A Soft Murmur | Mix ambient sounds to create the perfect background noise. | Interactive & Odd | https://asoftmurmur.com/ |
Anasomnia | Experience a surreal, interactive dream sequence. | Interactive & Odd | http://anasomnia.com/ |
Bees Bees Bees | Discover a world where everything is bees. | Time Wasters | http://beesbeesbees.com/ |
Blank Windows | Open and arrange blank windows on your screen. | Weird & Wacky | http://blankwindows.com/ |
Boil the Frog | Create a seamless playlist between any two artists. | Time Wasters | http://static.echonest.com/BoilTheFrog/ |
Bongo Cat | Play virtual bongos with an adorable cat. | Interactive & Odd | https://bongo.cat/ |
Breadfish | Watch a quirky animation of breadfish and other creatures. | Weird & Wacky | http://www.breadfish.co.uk/ |
Build with Chrome | Build virtual LEGO structures on a map. | Interactive & Odd | https://www.buildwithchrome.com/ |
Bury Me With My Money | Watch a man fall from the sky with his money. | Weird & Wacky | http://burymewithmymoney.com/ |
Cat Bounce | Watch and interact with bouncing cats. | Time Wasters | http://www.cat-bounce.com/ |
Checkiday | Find out which obscure holidays are celebrated today. | Time Wasters | https://www.checkiday.com/ |
Chihuahua Spin | Watch and control spinning Chihuahuas. | Time Wasters | http://www.chihuahuaspin.com/ |
Cleverbot | Chat with an AI that learns from conversations. | Nostalgia & Retro | https://www.cleverbot.com/ |
Dial Up Sound | Relive the nostalgic sound of a dial-up modem. | Nostalgia & Retro | http://www.dialupsound.com/ |
Do Not Touch | Participate in a crowd-sourced music video by following on-screen instructions. | Weird & Wacky | https://donottouch.org/ |
Do Nothing for 2 Minutes | Test your ability to do nothing for 2 minutes. | Time Wasters | http://www.donothingfor2minutes.com/ |
Dog Vision | See how your dog perceives the world with a dog vision simulator. | Time Wasters | https://dog-vision.com/ |
Eel Slap | Virtually slap someone in the face with an eel. | Weird & Wacky | http://www.eelslap.com/ |
Endless Horse | Discover a horse with infinitely long legs. | Weird & Wacky | http://endless.horse/ |
Falling Falling | Experience a never-ending feeling of falling with visuals and sounds. | Weird & Wacky | http://www.fallingfalling.com/ |
Find the Invisible Cow | Listen to audio clues to find an invisible cow on the screen. | Time Wasters | https://www.findtheinvisiblecow.com/ |
GeoGuessr | Guess your location based on Google Street View images. | Interactive & Odd | https://www.geoguessr.com/ |
Giant Bat Farts | Make a giant bat fart by clicking on its butt. | Interactive & Odd | https://giantbatfarts.com/ |
Hampster Dance | Experience the classic Hampster Dance animation and song. | Nostalgia & Retro | http://www.hampsterdance.com/ |
He-Man Sings | Watch He-Man sing “What’s Up” by 4 Non Blondes. | Weird & Wacky | https://he-man-sings.herokuapp.com/ |
Homestar Runner | Enjoy classic flash animations and games featuring Homestar Runner and friends. | Nostalgia & Retro | https://homestarrunner.com/ |
How Many People Are In Space Right Now? | Find out the current number of astronauts in space. | Interactive & Odd | http://www.howmanypeopleareinspacerightnow.com/ |
Incredibox | Create unique music mixes with animated beatboxers. | Interactive & Odd | https://www.incredibox.com/ |
Infinite Jukebox | Turn any song into an endless, remixed version. | Weird & Wacky | http://labs.echonest.com/Uploader/index.html |
Instant Ostrich | Click the button for an ostrich sound effect. | Weird & Wacky | http://www.instantostrich.com/ |
Internet Live Stats | Watch live statistics on various internet metrics. | Interactive & Odd | https://www.internetlivestats.com/ |
Is It Christmas? | Tells you if it’s Christmas or not. | Time Wasters | https://isitchristmas.com/ |
Is It Dark Outside? | Tells you if it’s currently dark outside based on your location. | Weird & Wacky | https://isitdarkoutside.com/ |
Is It White? | Check whether the background color of the website is white. | Time Wasters | https://isitwhite.com/ |
Koalas to the Max | Reveal a koala image by hovering over circles. | Interactive & Odd | https://www.koalastothemax.com/ |
Listen to Wikipedia | Hear an audio representation of Wikipedia edits happening in real-time. | Interactive & Odd | http://listen.hatnote.com/ |
Little Alchemy | Combine elements to create new items in a simple game. | Time Wasters | https://littlealchemy.com/ |
Make Everything OK | Click a button to “make everything OK” in your life. | Time Wasters | http://make-everything-ok.com/ |
MandalaGaba | Create and share intricate mandalas with a drawing tool. | Time Wasters | https://www.mandalagaba.com/ |
Multitask | Test your ability to play multiple games at once. | Time Wasters | http://www.kongregate.com/games/IcyLime/multitask |
My 50s TV | Watch and relive 50s TV shows, commercials, and more. | Nostalgia & Retro | https://www.my50stv.com/ |
My 60s TV | Watch and relive 60s TV shows, commercials, and more. | Nostalgia & Retr | https://www.my60stv.com/ |
My 70s TV | Watch and relive 70s TV shows, commercials, and more. | Nostalgia & Retro | https://www.my70stv.com/ |
My 80s TV | Watch and relive 80s TV shows, commercials, and more. | Nostalgia & Retro | https://www.my80stv.com/ |
My 90s TV | Watch and relive 90s TV shows, commercials, and more. | Nostalgia & Retro | https://www.my90stv.com/ |
MySpace | Explore the revamped version of the classic social media platform. | Nostalgia & Retro | https://myspace.com/ |
Neave Interactive | Play with a collection of interactive toys and tools. | Nostalgia & Retro | https://neave.com/ |
NES Music | Listen to music from classic Nintendo Entertainment System games. | Nostalgia & Retro | http://www.nesmus.com/ |
Netscape Navigator | Explore a website dedicated to the history of Netscape Navigator. | Nostalgia & Retro | https://netscapenavigator.com/ |
Paper Toilet | Unravel a virtual toilet paper roll. | Interactive & Odd | http://www.papertoilet.com/ |
Passive Aggressive Password Machine | Get judged by a passive-aggressive password generator. | Interactive & Odd | http://www.trypap.com/ |
Patience Is A Virtue | Wait for something to happen (Spoiler: Nothing happens). | Time Wasters | http://www.patience-is-a-virtue.org/ |
Pixel Thoughts | A 60-second meditation tool to help put your thoughts into perspective. | Weird & Wacky | http://www.pixelthoughts.co/ |
Pointer Pointer | Locates your cursor, and a picture will point to it. | Weird & Wacky | http://www.pointerpointer.com/ |
Potato or Tomato | Guess whether you’ll see a potato or a tomato. | Weird & Wacky | https://www.potatoortomato.com/ |
Quick, Draw! | Draw an object and see if the AI can guess what it is. | Interactive & Odd | https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/ |
Radiooooo | Travel through time and space by listening to music from different countries and decades. | Interactive & Odd | https://radiooooo.com/ |
RGB | Control the color of the screen with your mouse. | Interactive & Odd | https://www.rgb.run/ |
Sanger.dk | Enjoy a video of a cute pug licking your screen. | Weird & Wacky | https://www.sanger.dk/ |
Saved by the Bell: All the Episodes | Watch all episodes of the classic TV show “Saved by the Bell.” | Nostalgia & Retro | http://www.savedbythebellnow.com/ |
Shady URL | Turn any URL into a suspicious-looking link. | Weird & Wacky | http://www.shadyurl.com/ |
Ship Your Enemies Glitter | Anonymously send glitter to your enemies. | Weird & Wacky | https://shipyourenemiesglitter.com/ |
Silk | Create beautiful, interactive art with a few clicks. | Interactive & Odd | http://weavesilk.com/ |
Spells of Genesis | Play a blockchain-based mobile trading card game. | Interactive & Odd | https://spellsofgenesis.com/ |
Spin the Bottle | A virtual spin the bottle game. | Interactive & Odd | https://randompicker.com/spin-the-bottle |
Staggering Beauty | Wiggle a worm until it goes crazy. | Time Wasters | http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/ |
Tamagotchi | Learn about the history and relive the memories of the classic digital pet. | Nostalgia & Retro | http://www.tamagotchi.com/ |
The Color Game | Test your ability to name colors as quickly as possible. | Interactive & Odd | https://www.thecolorgame.net/ |
The Faces of Facebook | Explore the profile pictures of all Facebook users. | Nostalgia & Retro | http://app.thefacesoffacebook.com/ |
The IMDB of the 90s | Discover movies, TV shows, and celebrities from the 1990s. | Nostalgia & Retro | https://www.90s411.com/imdb-of-the-90s.html |
The Magic iPod | Mash up popular songs from the 2000s with classic hip-hop tracks. | Weird & Wacky | https://themagicipod.com/ |
The Million Dollar Homepage | Filled with tiny ads that collectively made a million dollars. | Nostalgia & Retro | http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com/ |
The Most Exclusive Website | Join a virtual queue to access the most exclusive website. | Weird & Wacky | http://www.mostexclusivewebsite.com/ |
The Museum of Endangered Sounds | Listen to a collection of sounds from obsolete technology. | Weird & Wacky | http://savethesounds.info/ |
The Nicest Place on the Internet | Receive virtual hugs from strangers. | Time Wasters | http://thenicestplaceontheinter.net/ |
The Original GIF | Explore the history of the first-ever GIF. | Nostalgia & Retro | https://theoriginalgif.com/ |
The Quiet Place | Take a break from the world and find a quiet place. | Time Wasters | http://thequietplaceproject.com/thequietplace |
The Rasterbator | Enlarge images into huge, wall-sized posters. | Interactive & Odd | https://rasterbator.net/ |
The Useless Aggregator | Generate random useless websites at the click of a button. | Time Wasters | https://uselessaggregator.com/ |
The Useless Web | Takes you to other random useless websites. | Weird & Wacky | https://www.theuselessweb.com/ |
The Zen Zone | Click and drag to create colorful, calming patterns. | Interactive & Odd | http://www.thezen.zone/ |
This Is Sand | Create landscapes using falling sand particles. | Interactive & Odd | https://thisissand.com/ |
Touch Pianist | Perform classical piano pieces by tapping your screen. | Interactive & Odd | http://touchpianist.com/ |
Watching Grass Grow | Watch a live webcam of grass growing in real-time. | Time Wasters | http://www.watching-grass-grow.com/ |
What Should I Read Next? | Get book recommendations based on your reading preferences. | Time Wasters | https://www.whatshouldireadnext.com/ |
What’s My Starbucks Name? | Generates a misspelled version of your name, as if written on a Starbucks cup. | Weird & Wacky | https://www.whatsmystarbucksname.com/ |
Where’s Waldo? | Play an online version of the classic “Where’s Waldo?” game. | Time Wasters | https://waldo2021.herokuapp.com/ |
Whoomp! (There It Is) | Enjoy the music video for Tag Team’s “Whoomp! (There It Is).” | Nostalgia & Retro | http://whoomp.azurewebsites.net/ |
Will Robots Take My Job? | Find out the likelihood of robots taking over your job. | Time Wasters | https://willrobotstakemyjob.com/ |
Window Swap | View video clips of window views from around the world. | Interactive & Odd | https://www.window-swap.com/ |
Windows 93 | An interactive parody of Windows 93 operating system. | Nostalgia & Retro | https://www.windows93.net/ |
You’re the Man Now Dog | Features looping audio and image combinations. | Nostalgia & Retro | https://ytmnd.com/ |
Your World of Text | Write and explore an infinite grid of text. | Time Wasters | https://www.yourworldoftext.com/ |
Zombo | Welcome to Zombocom, where anything is possible. | Weird & Wacky | http://www.zombo.com/ |
Zoom Quilt | A never-ending, interactive, zooming image. | Time Wasters | https://zoomquilt.org/ |
Bored Button | Click the button to be taken to a random interactive game or site. | Time Wasters | https://www.boredbutton.com/ |
The Secret Door | Step through a virtual door and be transported to random places around the world. | Interactive & Odd | http://ww3.safestyle-windows.co.uk/the-secret-door/ |
Cross Divisions | Watch as lines cross and divide to form an endlessly shifting pattern. | Interactive & Odd | http://www.crossdivisions.com/ |
Drench | Play a simple yet addictive color game where you try to turn the whole screen into one color. | Time Wasters | http://flashbynight.com/drench/ |
Doughnut Kitten | Watch a virtual kitten frolic in a land of doughnuts. | Weird & Wacky | https://www.doughnutkitten.com/ |
How to Build Another Pointless Website Yourself?
Creating a pointless website can be a fun project. Creating a website doesn’t have to be complicated. Take your time and enjoy the process – you are building something useless here anyway.
Here’s a simple guide to get you started.
- Idea Formation
Brainstorm ideas for your website – it could be a page full of floating cats or a button that makes a bizarre noise. Be creative and aim for fun.
- Domain and Hosting
Choose a domain name that matches your idea. Purchase the domain and hosting service – there are many affordable options online. Personally, I recommend Hostinger Single Plan or Wix Free Plan for a fun project like this.
- Web Page Creation
If you’re a beginner, consider using a site builders platform like Hostinger Website Builder or Wix. They have drag-and-drop interfaces that make website creation easy.
- Visual Design
Choose colors, fonts, and images that fit your theme. Simplicity is key for a useless website – A complex layout kills the fun and chases your visitors away. What you want is to make your visitors understand what to do as soon as they landed on your website.
- Interactive Elements
Add some interactive elements to engage your visitors. This could be a clickable button or a draggable image.
- Website Testing
Test your website on different devices to ensure it works properly – ask friends to check it too.
- Launch
Once you’re happy with your website, it’s time to launch it. Share the site with your friends on social media. If you are on Reddit – a subreddit like Stumbledon or Internet is Beautiful would be a good place to drop your link.
- Maintenance
Regularly check your website to ensure it’s running smoothly. Even “useless” websites need a bit of care!
Final Thoughts
Building a silly website isn’t as challenging today compared to just a few years ago. As long as you know the right areas to focus on and choose the right tools – the process can be easy and fun.