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How to Create Traffic Building Blog Comments

Are you on the blog commenting bandwagon?

Ryan Biddulph in Pondicherry, India.

Blog comments can be traffic building vehicles for your blogging campaign if you create effective blog comments.

Don’t bother with drive-by comments. You know what I mean. The thin, worthless, 1 line offerings obviously intended to get a quick link without too much effort from the blog commentor. Drive-by comments go directly to spam, wasting time for every party involved.

Even worse; publishing 1 line, thin, drive-by comments kills your reputation among fellow bloggers. Not exactly a traffic driver, right?

If you put in the time to create meaningful, thoughtful, thorough comments you can build friendships with powerful bloggers and boost your blog traffic in the process.

The secret is in knowing how to create traffic building blog comments versus Plain Jane, run of the mill offerings that barely raise an eyebrow.

Follow these tips to boost your blog traffic through effective blog commenting.

 Tip 1. Comment to Build Bonds Not Links 

This is the difference maker.

This is also the tip that most bloggers miss.

Comment predominantly to build bonds, not links.

The majority of bloggers comment mainly to get backlinks. Injecting this getting energy into your commenting strategy messes up the giving you need to do to comment effectively.

Publish comments mainly to make friends. Traffic flows in through meaty, personalized, targeted comments persistently published on top blogs in your niche if you hold the right intent as you comment.

 Tip 2. Write Meaty Comments 

Write 3-4 paragraph, in-depth, valuable comments.

Make a powerful impact through each comment you publish.

Comments are content. Adding content to a blog post in the form of a generous, in-depth piece of content adds social proof to blogs which most bloggers deeply appreciate. Appreciative bloggers tend to befriend you and these blogging friendships spawn all types of juice benefits for both parties, involving a traffic boost for each blogging buddy through cross promotion.

Create valuable comments. Become valuable in the eyes of your fellow bloggers. Impress their readers by sharing your keen insights in generous fashion.

No need to create the next War and Peace with your comment but it doesn’t hurt to spend 5-10 minutes crafting a thorough masterpiece that wows the socks off of readers.

Traffic flows freely to the blogger who takes the time and spends the energy to create more of a mini guest post and less of a traditional blog comment.

Go in-depth. Or go home.

Meaty comments drive the lion’s share of blog traffic because if you put in the time and make the effort to create something meaningful you will catch the attention of individuals who need to learn more about you.

 Tip 3. Personalize Comments 

Personalizing is one of the great secrets of blog commenting success.

Your first name is likely the best sounding word in your native tongue. Using someone’s name grabs their attention immediately.

Address your fellow blogger by name to arrest their attention – in a good way – which usually results in a click and increased blog traffic in the short term. Long-term wise, personalizing comments builds bonds with top bloggers. Top blogging buddies promote you, endorse you and help drive increased traffic to your blog.

Spend 5 seconds finding a blogger’s name to form a lasting bond with your fellow blogger. Doing just a little bit of due diligence makes a big difference in the long run.

 Tip 4. Comment on Top Blogs from Your Niche 

Comment on top blogs from your niche.

Be a comment lounge lizard in these high profile areas.

Use Google to query top blogs from your blogging niche. Seek out popular blogs with high levels of engagement to get bang for your blog commenting buck.

Consider commenting on high traffic blogs and blogs with a high number of social shares too. If folks are visiting and sharing posts you’d be wise to publish in-depth comments on these types of blogs.

Highly engaged blog communities are goldmines for finding lasting blog traffic. If readers freely comment on posts they are likely to click your link and visit your blog based on the valuable, personalized comment you published on the post.

Publish comments at least weekly on the top 5-10 blogs from your niche. Increase your exposure. Become friends with top bloggers. Increase your blog traffic.

 Tip 5. Be Persistent 

Persistence is the blog comment traffic difference maker.

Traffic does not flow in freely after you publish 1 or 2 effective, in-depth comments on an authority blog.

Bump that number up to 5 or 10 comments to see steadily increasing, lasting blog traffic.

Persistence wins in the blog commenting game.

Help people with your comments. Build bonds. Stay the blog commenting course over weeks, months and years to see the mushrooming, leveraging effect of smart blog commenting.


Blog commenting is a vastly underutilized but incredibly powerful traffic builder.

Don’t overlook this free, simple and effective strategy for building bonds and boosting your blog traffic.

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Article by Ryan Biddulph

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