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How to Self Publish Your Book #1: Traditional vs. Self Publishing for Bloggers

Books are an amazing marketing tool. They can be used to convert readers into email subscribers (giving away a free ebook in exchange for an email), or they can be used as another source of revenue for online businesses. This series of articles on self-publishing a book will teach you all you need to know to get your first book out there and make it a success.

The first article in a hard-hitting series about self-publishing. An outline of the basics, such as various options to publish and the timeline you can expect to follow from start to finish. You’ll also learn how to plan out your book.

Here’s link to 5-series how to self-publish your book guide:

  1. Traditional vs. Self Publishing for Bloggers
  2. Setting Your Timeline and Budget
  3. 5 Ways to Sell Your Self-Published Book
  4. Designing and Formatting Your Book
  5. 11 Ways to Market Your Book

Until very recently, you had one choice if you want to get your book in the hands of readers: traditional publishing.

But today, traditional publishers are no longer the sole gatekeepers. You have a lot of options when it comes to publishing your book. Wondering whether it’s worth it to pursue a deal with a traditional publisher, or whether you should take matters into your own hands and strike out on your own publishing journey?

In the first post in our self-publishing series, we’ll weigh the pros and cons of each side so you can make an informed decision.

 Traditional vs. Self Publishing: How Do They Work? 

Traditional Publishing

No. Not this traditional book publishing.

Most famous authors (think Judy Blume and Stephen King) are traditionally published (sometimes called “trad pub” for short).

With traditional publishing, your book has to be chosen by a publishing company among thousands of manuscripts.

Usually this involves getting an agent to pitch your book to publishing companies for you. In the old days, authors would send their book out to publishing companies over and over again, getting rejection slip after rejection slip until their book was finally chosen. Determined authors didn’t let the repeated rejection get to them:

By the time I was fourteen the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and went on writing.

Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Many best-selling authors, Agatha Christie, J.K. Rowling, Louis L’Amour, Dr Seuss, C.S. Lewis, Judy Blume, and many more, received hundreds of rejections over many years before their books were finally picked up. (I wonder how many amazing books we’re missing out on because they were rejected by short-sighted publishers, and the authors gave up?)

Getting an agent may help – but again, you have to court agents until one deigns to work with you. Literary agents negotiate with publishing companies on your behalf, and typically work for a percentage of the books’s total profits. Most literary agents charge 15% of all gross income for the book’s entire income-producing duration.

When it comes to choosing a publishing company, you have a choice between the top “Big 5” publishers.

…or you can opt to work with a smaller, independent publishing company.

With these companies, authors typically don’t need a literary agent. They usually welcome submissions from anyone, including first time authors.

A few examples of independent publishing companies are:

Self Publishing

Self publishing (also called “self pub” or “indie publishing”) is the fastest growing segment of the publishing industry.

With self publication, authors have full control of the creative and selling process as well as everything in between.

More and more authors today are finding success through focus—reaching just a few people in a profound way—because those readers are far more likely to do something with it.

Tucker Max on Everything you need to know about book sales figures

Authors are responsible for the full cost of production, marketing, and distribution. The finished copies plus all copyright and subsidiary rights are exclusively yours. Unlike with traditional publication, the process is pretty simple. Just create your book, design your cover, and upload the files to a distribution company. Self publishing companies offer services such as on-demand book printing and e-book distribution.

Some famous self-publication companies (also called “vanity presses”) include:

  • Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and CreateSpace
  • Smashwords
  • Lulu
  • Xlibris
  • AuthorHouse
  • Infinity Publishing
  • Wheatmark

Authors who sell a combination of traditionally published and self published books are called “hybrid authors.”

Keith Ogorek, the marketing director for Author Solutions – one of the world’s largest and lead supported self publishing company, give us his thoughts on Traditional vs. Self Publishing,

Rather than give you just one thought. I am sharing a link to whitepaper I wrote about the current publishing landscape called The Four Paths to Publishing. I think it is the best time in history to be an author because there is more choice and opportunity than at any other time in history. The key is for an author to be clear on their goals, budget and time and talent they can bring to the project. If they are clear on those they will make a good decision on a publishing option.

Keith Ogorek, Author Solutions

 Traditional vs. Self Publishing: Advances 

With a traditional publisher, in the past you’d often get an advance payment against royalties for your book.

It’s basically a signing bonus that’s paid against future earnings from your book. Advances can range anywhere from $500 to millions, depending on the book, author, and publishing company.

But advances aren’t as common, or as large, today as they used to be.

I got a $10,000 advance for my first book. Not horrible for a brand new author, but not $100K either. The average author does not get a huge advance like that.

Michael Kozlowski

Many publishing companies have cut down on or eliminated them altogether, because 7 out of 10 books never make back their advances. Advances tend to be more common with larger publishing companies – smaller publishing companies may not have the means to supply them at all. On the other hand, self published authors can’t rely on any advance payments. They have to pay the costs of publishing up front, and only earn when their books sell.

 Traditional vs. Self Publishing: Royalties 

The difference in royalties between traditional publishing and self-publishing is huge!

Besides the ease of publication, this is one of the biggest factors for authors deciding to self-publish. Authors working with traditional publishing companies can typically expect to receive 10-15% in royalties off of each sale. (Also, as mentioned before, authors working with large publishing companies will also have to factor in the literary agent’s percentage, so they’ll earn less.) Self publishing royalties will depend on the company that the author chooses to work with.

For example, if an author chooses to publish an e-book on Amazon KDP, you’ll typically earn 70% of each sale as long as your book meets certain basic requirements. If it doesn’t meet the requirements, you’ll earn 35%.

 Traditional vs. Self Publishing: Reputation 

Traditional publishing was once viewed as the only reputable way to have a book published, however, authors are shattering that stigma and gaining full control of their books by self publishing. Below are just a few of the many successful self published authors to date:

  • E. L James-50 Shades of Grey
  • Hugh Howey-Wool Trilogy
  • Amanda Hocking- Trylle trilogy
  • Lisa Genova-Still Alice

Hybrid author Rachel Aaron, who’s been on both sides, explains in a one interview:

When I got into the book business, self publishing was still seen as the last resort of the desperate. Every author blog and writing advice column was constantly screaming at us not to even think about self publishing, so…I didn’t. But when the sea change of the early 2010s hit, I started singing a different tune. All of a sudden, self publishing wasn’t so fringe anymore. I was meeting lots of self published authors at conventions who not only were making good money, but they had good books, and they were making their own business decisions! That was really what decided it for me. I’m a giant control freak, and I love running a business.

Rachel Aaron

Also read – How to create an author portfolio site

 Traditional vs. Self Publishing: Publicity 

If you aren’t already a famous celebrity, mogul, or professional athlete, you should expect to do a large chunk of the marketing yourself even when working with a traditional publishing company.

In general, publishing companies are looking to work with people who already have a large following to begin with.

Traditional publishing will usually create a press kit for authors to approach the media with. Traditional book tours are becoming a thing of the past, but an official book launch and a few appearances may be included in the marketing plan for traditional publishing.

Self published authors are responsible for marketing their books themselves. It helps if you have some sort of following prior to the book’s release. If not, getting recognition and sales will take some time and dedication. (Stay tuned to this series for more info on how to market your book!)

 Traditional vs. Self Publishing: Control 

When it comes to traditional publishing, once you sign a contract with the publishing company, you lose control over the final product.

The publisher will control the editing, cover design, legal rights, and so on. Your contract will almost always grant the publishing company the right to distribute the book, both in print and electronically, in the English language in the United States including its territories.

Publishing companies may also be granted certain “sub rights,” such as the right to sell your book for film or television show and the right to sell the book throughout the world. The contractual agreement is going to be different for each author, but in general you lose a lot of your rights (though you can try to negotiate the details). Self publishing greatly differs from traditional when it comes to control. When you self-publish, you retain all your rights and have complete control over the final product.

 Traditional vs. Self Publishing: Timeline 

Publishing with a traditional publishing company can be a lengthy process and the timeline will vary from company to company.

Here is an example of a traditional publishing timeline:

  • From idea to book proposal to your literary agent: 1-3 months
  • From agent to editor and book contract offer: 2-5 months
  • From contract offer to first paycheck: 2-3 months
  • From contract to delivery of manuscript to editor: 3-9 months (sometimes longer)
  • From delivery of manuscript to editor actually working on it: 2-5 months
  • From editor to publication: 9-12 months

Total time from idea to print: approximately 2 years, once again, the timeline with vary with publishing companies and authors.

Again, authors are fully in control of their timeline when choosing to self publish. Instead of waiting on your publishing company for each step, you’re in control. Timelines for self-published books can vary widely depending on the author. One book may take a year to produce while another is designed and printed in three weeks. Three to six months is a reasonable estimate.

 Ready to Start Planning Your Book? 

Still torn between traditional publishing or self publishing? Check out the next post in the series which will expand on budget and timeline.

Photo of author

Article by Keri Lynn Engel

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