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7 Best Lorem Ipsum Generators

Lorem Ipsum Generators are all over the internet. This placeholder text is often used to let users see what a document will look like before producing the real content. It’s preferable to avoid distraction from the actual design assessment.

The lorem ipsum content is actually a section of a Latin text with the words scrambled and altered. It’s basically nonsense but looks neater than simply typing random characters. If you need to create Lorem Ipsum text, here are the best ways of doing so. 

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 1. Lorem-Ipsum.info 

Lorem-Ipsum.info is different than other generators in that it includes a visual editor and lets you create placeholder images as well as text. It also has a mobile app, if you’d rather generate Lorem Ipsum on the go.

You can generate paragraphs, sentences and words of Lorem Ipsum, and also set parameters like how many words per sentence, sentences per paragraph, and even the number of paragraphs you want.

If you simply leave it on default, the system will a create Lorem Ipsum text consisting of 3 paragraphs and 50 words in each.

 2. Loripsum Generator 

The Loripsum Generator website is extremely simple to use and does its job effectively. Loading the website will show you a standard Lorem Ipsum text. You can then select the number of paragraphs, words, bytes, or even create lists in the format.

Unusually, you’re even able to choose whether or not you want the text to start with the traditional “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…” content or simply swap that with randomized content.

The Lorem Ipsum here can also be translated into other languages and made available in banner image form with various background colors.

 3. Dummy Text Generator by HTML Ipsum 

If you want to generate random text for a website for testing purposes, Dummy Text generator by HTML Ipsum is the tool for you. Not only does it come with an easy-to-use interface, but it also offers a variety of options so that you can personalize your output.

If you want to generate lorem ipsum text, you can do so in paragraphs, words, bytes, and lists. If you want to use an alternative besides lorem ipsum, Dummy Text Generator lets you copy and paste whatever placeholder text you like and then generate filler text from it.

 4. Blind Text Generator 

Blind Text Genertor may be simple but it goes well beyond the standard Lorem Ipsum. You can choose precise lengths of placeholder content following various formats.

These include the de factor Lorem Ipsum, Cicero, Cicero English, Li Europan lungues, Kafka, and much more. There’s even a handy pixel measurement along with the text you can adjust to see if the generated text fits your needs.

 5. Zombie Ipsum 

According to its website, Zombie Ipsum is “a more ghoulish version of Lorem Ipsum text. This text is a placeholder that you can use in your mockups to show where copy will go in a final design.” So, if you’re looking for filler text that’s a little spookier and has more of an edge than the standard Lorem Ipsum, Zombie Ipsum is perfect.

I feel that it’s a little out of place for my use, which is mostly business content. Still, for those looking forward to horror-themed content, Zombie Ipsum is a great option for your filler text. At the very least, it’s pretty unique.

 6. Cupcake Ipsum 

If there’s a Zombie Ipsum why not a Cupcake Ipsum? After all, we’ve come across all sorts of strange things on the Internet these days. Cute cupcakey design aside, you can also get this generator to start your content with “Cupcake Ipsum dolor…”

Exactly why this is necessary, I haven’t exactly found out yet. Still, you have to admit that this Lorem Ipsum generator website adds a splash of color to your day if that’s your thing.

 7. Pirate Ipsum 

Since we’re along the weird Ipsum themes let’s not forget to walk the plank with Pirate Ipsum. Again, this does nothing out of the ordinary as far as Lorem Ipsum generation is involved. Set the parameters and hit the “Get me Ipsum” for the magic to happen.

The site is, shockingly, pirate-themed and suitable for Jack Sparrow fans. However, it’s not as colorful (nor foul) as the movie character. For me, I guess the best I can say is that it works.

 Final Thoughts on Lorem Ipsum Generators 

You won’t believe the massive number of Lorem Ipsum generators I came across when researching this article. Admittedly, I don’t usually need them so you can imagine the amusement I felt. I hope this collection helps you out and you change your (probably) drab impression of good old Lorem Ipsum content.

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Article by Pui Mun Beh

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